The Mind and the Colonial Death Star

Author – Bernard Sweeney 2021

Wouldn’t it be enlightening to know the unknown, to know something you always had known deep down, and something that makes more sense once known. For example, say if someone said that the Settled Irish who believe themselves to be “the default Irish” are in fact a sub-culture of English culture. Or that the English people who believe themselves to be the British people are culture made of many different cultures.

Take the term “Settled Irish”, its a colonial term that was created by English Prime Minister Lloyd George, and borrowed from the Elizabethen Conquest. Lloyd George, his personal, political creation of a fixed Settlement of Irish people under English Imperialism “The Irish Settlement”. A settlement that left Dublin effectively under English control, but Dublin had always been separated from the rest of the country.

Within the city, that those once proud Anglo-Saxons that had often looked down on the Irish people as wild, living with the wolves and were the “others” outside the Pale. Ireland would become the empire within an empire, as those of non Irish backgrounds were to be deemed themselves to be the default Irish people, The Settled Irish. The English of course who once deemed themselves as British after colonising Britain and after destroying its indigenous culture. So the English who had colonised Britain created England, invaded Ireland, had colonised Ireland for centuries and then politically created the Settled Irish. How did that happen?

Both Settled Irish & English people are historically associated, political connected and even ruling class family relations. Then there are Irish Travellers and many communities outside of this particular way of thinking. To understand mentality we can look at language,

To hear it said that the English language isn’t like any other human language, you shouldn’t feel alarmed, surprised, after all its only a language. Of course its a human language, but its just not like any other human languages in its origins or roots in natural environment. Its not because English language is different language from other languages as most languages would have differences, or they wouldn’t be different. Maybe it’s the case that all languages have one origin, one beginning, are not all humans on earth & those even up on the space station, are we not all descendants of one historical mother?.

The English language is different because it’s made up mostly from other languages, German, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, etc its first words were quite violent,  imagine you teach a child a new language or these are its first words. Word like: “Take” knife, sleep, kill, work, eat, sleep. imagine that, food for thought in child rearing in the early stages of mentality development. Its kinda like some kind of linguistic monster with its borrowed words, adapting new words while destroying other organic languages in its processes. From its early origins when not saying rule words, its was time too put words into knowledge and it was about eating people, it was about a werewolf, half man and half wolf. Not surprising given its early school days of vocal learning’s. From its pre-school  vocational training into the fine arts of literature. Too make its own mark on the global stage of fine literature by producing its first book. A werewolf eating people, its own creation of the human imagination, the great mind of their times, well it was its first book.

Eventually as thoughts became less horrifying and its language of thinking, existence, purposes, it became more apparent how systematic this mentality was becoming. Who dare says such things? These are idiotic outrageous statements! But hold on, I am far from done! It’s to be expected for some people to react in different ways, depending on your mentality. Maybe some out of some unknown fear like instinct and I imagine many will feel it as form of enlightenment.

Because when one’s identity is brought into dispute, taken, destroyed, defined or denial. It can be difficult on the neurological transmitters reacting too something contradicting everything they might have believed. In different kind of reality based on different kinds of mentality. But language from trade, business, systems it looks like its institutions that decides what or why you are to be.

Inequalities are systematic by virtue of the mentality behind them, its a design based machine, from its creators beliefs of supremacy, lack of humanities and its origins, life is systems, with no one really at the controls. Synergy is word that means; intelligence, behind all human systems is intelligence, its where two or more people creates system for all, families, communities, societies and colonialism are all system based communities, all communities are. Its the Ideas and the concepts of having systems too do what humans require from it. Systems must have purpose, must hsve particular outcomes based on its design. Is education systematic, institutions, is our mentality based on our education and what if it went unchanged in the mind of its agents centuries later.

Systems with Ideas built into its core. Systems of religious influences, political systems of superiority that its ok too kill in God’s name under its design of colonialism of lands and people’s. There are positives to the English language, its widespread, its advanced in technology, in science, runs economy’s, banks, Governments. Its nothing against English or Settled Irish or linguistics as this is the view of it from a different mentality. The White Europeans had caused more havoc to the Planet than anyone else. Its the home of raging wars, caused two world wars, many civil wars, home of writing up racism, political fascism and governmental genocides. Beliefs of egotistical drive & an outlook driven by greed.

Its easy too see this as true and not that its incorrect but its missing something. For centuries community’s that didn’t die or killed were forced into becoming systematically programmed people. Systems in class mode created certain classes or categories of people too keep the systems in power. The ideas behind these systems wasn’t too create fine upstanding individuals, not for all people at least.

Generations of people’s of various different backgrounds blinded by educational systems promising on one level and never revealing its default design or purpose. Years of Institutionalised disciplines and preparing the human mentality for the world ahead. The real world inside a system of thoughts. The ideas, design and mentality behind the education systems were thermals from education into industrialisation way of thinking. It was to be a ladder up regardless if you fall as you are paying for the ladder. The gateway, the garden path of life, that would really depend on who owns the educational systems. 

We are not separated from historical pasts, its times or places, and no more than we can live in the future, we cannot live in the past. As long as history is seen or viewed as dark chapters, conflicts, trauma, old wounds, we will blind ourselves in the future because that is not how history should be. As long as Irish history is seen though the lens only one way, for example, the English way, history will keep you living in fear. Instead as some do, is too see history as one continuing event and part of living history as a whole. Not in parts or its many ambiguous variables of opinions on one historical thing or another. One event and all that’s between it. One language, that over the centuries had imposed itself over the vast majority of the world. From invasions to education, systems fully functioning beyond capacity or understanding and its origins from people who couldn’t know they had made themselves a systematic Death Star.

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